Friday, May 20, 2011

Moon Water

Sometimes a thousand words are used when one would do.  Sometimes one is used when hundreds were needed.  Sometimes words just spin into a pool of image and you're not sure how many there are or even should have been.  Sometimes they mean something, other times they don't.  Maybe they're just fun to think.

Moon Water
Moon water flows through my window
I never just look anymore
Mountains, shocks of amber burn
Blue bright sky, dark on the peaks
The moon burns with them- 
The amber cliffs
But moon water burns white, pouring through my window
Friend light-
Like light on the tide of home shores,
Smiling water flows in.

1 comment:

  1. Sean, never stop writing. Please. Maybe I'll have you help me write some lyrics to music because I so often love the image and feeling of your poems.

